Recreational area

Summerhouses for having a rest and making barbecue

3 summerhouses with outdoor grills and piped water for fruits and vegetables washing are located near the main building.

Each summerhouse capacity is of up to 6 people.

The summerhouses are free for all residents of the hotel “Put k sebe”.

Summerhouse hire for people having a rest on the beach – 1500 rubles/day.



“Summerhouse for meetings”

Behind the main building there is a bright red “summerhouse for meetings”. It is a perfect point for making an appointment with friends living in the hotel (for example in the case of massive corporate meetings).






The place for making barbecue

There is a special place for making barbecue near the main building. It is equipped with piped water.

 Your friends and relatives can taste your dishes at comfortable tables on the upper or lower verandas or in the recreational area “By the wheel” listening to pleasant sound of water.

 The place is free for all residents of the hotel.



Recreational area “By the wheel”

Near the main building there is cosy recreational area “By the wheel” where you can have an outdoor rest with your friends and listen to pleasant sound of water!

 Nearby you can find a special place for making barbecue. It is equipped with piped water.






Behind the main building there are upper and lower verandas with comfortable tables under umbrellas.

It is a good place for having an outdoor rest with your friends in warm season!

Nearby there is a special place for making barbecue. It is equipped with piped water.
