Chapaev St., 66a, Ramon, Voronezh, Russia
Telephone: +7 (473)251-31-19, +7 (47340)2-12-73
How to get to the hotel
Chapaev St., 66a, Ramon, Voronezh, Russia
Telephone: +7 (473)251-31-19, +7 (47340)2-12-73
![]() By car: |
![]() By bus: |
from Voronezh: drive along the M4 highway about 30 km from the city, turn to the right at the sign «Ramon», then follow the blue-and-yellow signs «Country hotel «Put k sebe» from Moscow: drive along the M4 highway to the south, before reaching the point 30 kilometers to Voronezh turn off the road to the right at the sign «Ramon», then follow the blue-and-yellow signs «Country hotel «Put k sebe» |
from the central bus station in Voronezh (buses run every 20-30 minutes from 6.00 to 20.00) to the bus station in Ramon, then follow the blue-and-yellow signs «Country hotel «Put k sebe» |